Not your stereotypical farmer


Agricultural machinery in the digital age

Digitalization has become an integral aspect in schools, office jobs and many other areas of our everyday lives - especially in agriculture! But why? The profession is associated with an incredible amount of technical knowledge, applied 365 days a year. It's not just covering "standard" mechanical processes, it requires essential knowledge in the field of electrical engineering. Basically it is about saving resources like employees, safety, money and/or fuel and integrating them efficiently.


What is the contribution of craftguide to efficient and effective work in this context?

An example: A technician is assigned to repair a damaged machine. Some time ago there would have been a good chance that the internet connection of the technician would not allow online assistance. Thanks to the craftguide app, which enables the technician to download the workflow and use the guide to work independently of location and network connection. The app combines all necessary and complex procedures and thus navigates the technician step by step through maintenance process. It is no longer necessary to carry manuals with you and study them. By using virtual workflows your tasks can be completed efficiently and safely at the same time. You want to know more about the assistance craftguide gives in the field of agricultural maschinery? Here we have more info.

Learn independently

With craftguide it also is possible to make training location-independent. VR allows you to train safely and intuitively guided at virtual machine twins and run through mechanical processes quicker and over and over. Experience 1:1 machine visualizations that revolutionize learning anywhere and anytime.

Start independent learning with us and request a demo below!


Why forgetting makes us more successful …


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